A Comprehensive Guide to Smile Makeovers

A comprehensive guide on how long does it take for a complete smile makeover including what procedures are usually involved and how long it lasts.

A Comprehensive Guide to Smile Makeovers

Patients who want to improve their smile may opt for a smile makeover. This procedure can involve a variety of treatments, such as dental bonding, teeth whitening, orthodontic appliances, dental crowns, and fillings. Depending on the severity of the problem, the process can take anywhere from one appointment to three years. In this article, we'll discuss what a smile makeover is, what procedures are usually involved, and how long the process lasts.

A smile makeover is a set of cosmetic dental procedures offered by a cosmetic dentist to improve the appearance of a patient's smile. It can involve a variety of treatments, such as dental bonding, teeth whitening, orthodontic appliances, dental crowns, and fillings. Depending on the severity of the problem, the process can take anywhere from one appointment to three years. Patients who want a simple smile makeover may only need a simple dental bonding procedure, which only requires an appointment. Others may prefer to whiten their teeth to remove stains; however, several rounds may be required and the process may take two to three months.

For people with crooked teeth, straightening them is often a priority. Depending on the severity of the problem, there are numerous smoothing options. Traditional orthodontic appliances can take 18 months to three years to get the final results. When restorations are needed to complete the smile reshaping, the patient should expect to make at least one or two appointments. While the dates won't last more than an hour, a partner may be needed.

When it comes to dental crowns, the first appointment usually involves removing any infected area. The second appointment involves the placement of the dental crown itself, which must be done in a dental laboratory. In the case of dental fillings, the patient usually only needs one appointment, but a second appointment may be recommended so that the dentist can follow up. The makeover of your smile will require at least two appointments. Between each appointment, your dentist will provide you with specific oral care instructions.

You may also be given dentures, crowns or temporary veneers to cover any “work in progress”.A smile makeover is one way for people who are unhappy with their smile due to cosmetic imperfections to achieve a more attractive smile. Often, infections can cause stains or discolorations on the teeth, so they can fall into the category of smile makeover. The procedures offered during smile remodeling treatment vary for each cosmetic dentist, as the services provided are often different for everyone. No one should feel unsafe when smiling, and everyone should feel free to smile and laugh when around other people, without worrying about what their smile looks like. While each smile reshaping treatment is different, it will usually include a combination of the following procedures: teeth whitening; dental bonding; orthodontic appliances; dental crowns; fillings; and implants. After receiving implants, a person is more likely to be able to chew food more easily, pronounce words more appropriately when speaking, and even feel more confident when returning to a smile. If you are looking for a more radiant and beautiful smile, a complete smile reform can be a step that will change your life for the better.

After the initial treatment, you'll even receive whitening trays and gel to take home so you can keep your smile as white as possible. The procedure is usually done in two or three office visits, including removing the enamel to reshape the teeth, making a mold with the teeth and applying lab-made veneers. Certain dental installations, such as crowns and veneers, will need to be replaced after 10 to 20 years, but most facets of the smile makeover should last a lifetime if properly cared for. Each smile change is specifically tailored to the patient, and treatments are based on what helps them most.

In the case of minor structural imperfections, your dentist can incorporate elements of dental reconstruction into a smile makeover. Your dentist can help you understand the process and what is needed for a particular reshaping of your smile.

Elliott Androes
Elliott Androes

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