Maintaining Your Smile Makeover: What You Need to Know

A smile makeover is a great way to improve your appearance and boost your confidence. Learn more about how to maintain your results with regular oral hygiene care.

Maintaining Your Smile Makeover: What You Need to Know

A smile makeover is a great way to improve your appearance and boost your confidence. However, it's important to remember that these treatments require regular oral hygiene care and may need maintenance over time. Fortunately, your cosmetic dentist can provide a wide range of treatments and services to help you maintain the look you've always wanted. At KFA Dental Excellence in Farmingdale, NY, our dental team offers dental cleanings and exams to ensure your continued oral health and maintain a beautiful smile. For people who want more beautiful teeth, a smile makeover can help improve appearance and increase confidence.

For example, teeth restored with whitening treatments will need maintenance treatments to remove any new stains that form on them. Sometimes, you may need maintenance touches, such as whitening your teeth and replacing restorations or veneers. If you have gum disease or a malocclusion, the problems will need to be repaired before you can make up your smile. Taking good care of your mouth goes a long way in maintaining the results of a smile makeover. Patients with multiple dental problems who want a dramatic improvement in the appearance of their smile can often benefit from a makeover at Saco River Dentistry.

A smile makeover is designed to be a long-term treatment option that lasts for several years with proper care and maintenance. Treatments designed to improve the overall look of a smile fall into the category of “image change.” It provides the dentist with an opportunity to evaluate any changes that have occurred since the patient's last visit and to administer the necessary treatments to restore the appearance of the patient's smile. To ensure that your smile makeover lasts for years to come, it's important to practice good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. Your dentist can also provide advice on how to best care for your teeth and gums so that you can maintain your beautiful new smile.

Elliott Androes
Elliott Androes

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